

  • COTE D’IVOIRE is a country on the way to emergence, with a dynamic economy (more than 8% average growth over the last five years)
  • With an increasingly large and structured middle class, but a large young population and a low life expectancy
  • Public awareness of medical prevention still timid
  • A local biology offer, covering 40 to 60% of the existing panel of analyzes. The rest being subcontracted to laboratories abroad (France)
  • A still limited supply of quality health and a reliability of the results of biological examinations in certain cases not always guaranteed


  • This project consists in a first phase, to create in Abidjan (Zone 4) a Private Medical Biology Analysis Laboratory, with a technical platform in accordance with international standards and meeting quality standard 15189.
  • This Laboratory will be able to carry out all of the routine analyzes and most of the so-called specialized analyzes, currently subcontracted to Laboratories abroad (CERBA, BIOMNIS in France).
  • Subsequently create local satellite laboratories (around Abidjan), inside the country and a sub-regional technical platform allowing us to extend our offer to specialized and highly specialized analyzes (cytogenetic, paternity and chromosomal disease tests ) and food analyzes.

OBJECTIVE Of the LIA project

Contribute to the improvement of the great public health policy initiated by the State, the control of health spending and the improvement of the living conditions of the population,

For this it seems essential to offer a quality medical biology.